Is PTSD Therapy for You?
Have you decided enough is enough?PTSD is a haunting experience and can really hold a sufferer back. PTSD therapy could be the first step for you to regain life as it once was. If you are suffering you may feel so alone and that no one understands you. There is some truth to it. You are the one re-living and regenerating those traumatic experiences. But that shouldn’t mean you need to live with that all of your life.
With 1 in 10 people hit by PTSD at some stage in their life. And 33% of people who have a trauma do develop some level of PTSD. There are so many reasons this starts to affect people who look for treatment. Incidences like; Car accidents, attacks, rapes, medical traumas, family bereavements, military losses, and experiences, fire and close calls are just some of the reasons people come to me for PTSD therapy and counselling.
As a clinical therapist and coach, I have experienced and worked with so many variations of PTSD and one thing I know. The path is not straight and easy, but, worth the effort. Typically counselling and therapy for PTSD last between 6 – 20 sessions. Using a culmination of NLP eye tracking and processing, NLP programs, CBP and life coping strategies all sessions start to pave the way to success for PTSD.
People get PTSD after an event
What is PTSD?
PTSD, is a psychiatric disorder that can develop after an experience or after witnessing a life-threatening event. There are many types of triggers such as military, natural disasters, terrorist, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assaults. Most sufferers are survivors of traumatic events do return to normal after time to process the event. However, some people will develop stress reactions that keep recurring and may need treatment as they do not seem to go away on their own. If after a period of 6 months post event they person is still reliving those events and causing stressful situations then PTSD may be the issue.
What does PTSD feel like?
There are so many symptoms of PTSD and you, or any sufferer should not have to experience them. Depression, anxiety, guilt, and anger are very common. On top of these, there are 3 main categories of PTSD symptoms, they are:
- Flashbacks & nightmares
Re-living the event both awake and while you sleep. Sufferers can bearly tell the event apart from what’s real or not. This is why the feeling during the times are so vivid and frightening.
Flashbacks can be very easily triggered by things which cause and association and a connection in the mind. This is why flashbacks are so frightening as you never know what may bring them on.
- Avoidance & numbing
Many people decide the best way to deal with the trauma is to avoid and distract themselves. People can become absorbed in a whole new hobby or new way to distract. This can be a sensible option to a level but it a person is consciously avoiding life the way it needs to be then it can become very problematic. If a person ends up avoiding certain, places, people, events, and association then action against that could be the best solution.
- Being hyper-vigilant
If a person becomes hyper-vigilant after a trauma then this can become vert stressful. Also being on the look out for danger preventing relaxation is a hard life to lead. The anxiety induced by this level of thinking makes it hard to sleep, relax, work, socialise and feel normal. Being hyper-vigilant is a self-perpetuating cycle. A sufferer will always see occurrences to back up their thinking.
More PTSD symptoms
- muscle aches
- palpitations
- headaches
- panic and fear
- depression
- alcohol and drug usage
What Are My Options?
There are a few options available to you:
- The NHS may provide you with medication for PTSD. But as my clients always say, this is not necessarily dealing with the issue just reducing the feeling by medication.
- As you’ve heard before, I’m sure. Time is a healer. Time can help a person begin to deal with and process a trauma. It really depends on the severity of the symptoms and your personal experiences if this is for you.
- 1-2-1 PTSD therapy and counselling. Having a qualified and experienced therapist is a proven method of treatment. But, don’t expect to sit for a few hours and be “cured” without having to take some action because it doesn’t work that way. If you’re ready to take action then this can be a method for you.
Can PTSD Therapy Help You?
Very possibly. Since 2006 I have worked with thousands of clients on hundreds of issues. Each and every one of them different and the outcome is always a personal thing. 1-2-1 therapy is all about trust and the relationship between the client and the therapist. I know this to be true so much so in fact, I only work with people who have fully decided that I’m the right choice for them.
PTSD therapy can last 20+ sessions and success is far more likely if the trust is built and maintained during the process. I am a very practical therapist / counselor, and I have come to find that a solution focused therapy, tied in with actionable steps for my clients allows them to feel empowered along the journey. So therapy isn’t done to you, we work together to find the outcome that’s right for you.
I have personally worked with a wide variation of PTSD situations from rapes, attacks, accidents and military losses. Each person feels like no one understands. This is the first part of the work you’ll do with me. It’s vital we have the connection and bond for the treatment to be successful.
Contact me to discuss
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It’s natural at this point to have some reservations, remember, we will discuss your requirements before you need to decide whether we are a good fit to work on your issue. Get in touch.