NLP In Action

Welcome to NLP In Action. NLP insights and practical tips to help you discover what NLP has for you.

This is Episode 001 of the NLP In Action podcast and it just has to be. What Is NLP? This is the first of many in this series and you can expect 10 minutes of insight into the still misunderstood world of NLP.

I need to start by saying what NLP isn’t! Strange, I know but the web is full comments and unhelpful information that I feel this needs to be said.

It’s not mind-magic
It’s not snake oil
And it’s certainly not some kind of cult

Now that is off my chest, let’s begin with finding out “what is NLP? NLP is fascinating. NLP was formed as part of the study back in the 70s. By Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They set to work to discover how certain psychotherapists were achieving results with clients rapidly, where others simply couldn’t produce any. Bandler and grinder a mathematician and a linguist began the process of modelling the psychotherapists. Modelling means uncovering strategies and techniques that people were using to create excellent results. This is where the explanation “NLP is the study of excellence” comes from.

So let’s start there shall we. NLP wasn’t formulated or concocted by two nutty professors trying to manipulate people. Lots of what’s taught in NLP is the output of what works or has worked, repeatably. It makes sense doesn’t it, to understand processes and strategies that are working for people and copy them. Well, the technical term is modelling, and that really is the essence of NLP.

NLP is growing rapidly. It’s not just in business, individuals are also using NLP to create transformations in their life. The study of NLP has discovered sets of tools and approaches, even beliefs that been proven to enhance human performance in all walks of life. For sports people to management teams from healthcare professionals to public figures. Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) has touched most areas what will you do with NLP and where will you take it?

The Three key benefits of NLP

  • Modelling excellence – You can find what works in another person strategy and model that process to dramatically reduce the time to learn that very same excellence. Tasks like spelling, running and even how a Chef operates so effectively can be modelled. Hey, to make it simple. if you see something someone is doing with excellence, you can model it.
  • Changing our behaviours and beliefs –  This is a real biggie, when you think about human performance and optimisation then it really does have to start with changing or replacing certain behaviours or beliefs.
  • Enhanced communication and understanding – I believe that the models discovered through observing effective communication are the parts of NLP that literally everyone can benefit from.


Think of the possibilities that modelling to bring you.  What does the exceptional sales person within the office do the others don’t you can’t quite put your finger on. How do some leaders inspire, how can some people write novels in weeks and not years, what is the difference that makes the difference?  This is what we seek to discover whenever we model a person’s excellence.

Changing behaviours and beliefs

Okay, let’s start with the behaviours piece. Again, thinking in the context of modelling and achieving excellence. There are certain behaviours that are conducive to create an excellent. Behaviours like, tenacity, curiosity, enthusiasm, mental flexibility to name a few. And the list really is endless, think about all those slightly negative behaviours you’d like to replace, the ones that again in the way of you achieving your goals or affecting your life in some way. Behaviour change is a massive part of NLP.

Intertwined into behaviours are our beliefs. We generally behave in a way that is in line with our beliefs. A quick example of why a change in belief can be so powerful. Think about the story when Roger Bannister ran the four-minute mile for the first time. he had a belief that he could do it, and sure enough, we did. Then think what happened.  as soon as Roger ran that four-minute mile, then it was far easier for people to believe what was possible for themselves, after all, he was only human. Our beliefs limit us in so many ways. And the beauty of beliefs you can just decide to believe something different any time you choose. it is within your control and you can change and improve your life…….. Do you believe that?

Enhanced communication and understanding

We communicate daily, we cannot, not communicate, whether it’s verbally non-verbally. That there’s an issue with human communication our languages open to misconceptions, and misunderstandings. We act, and react to communication based on what we think we understand it to be.  NLP has uncovered some phenomenal communication tools. NLP tools can allow you to be heard clearly, effectively and correctly. Apart from getting your voice heard with clarity, you can also begin to understand where another person is coming from.

Whether you agree with this or not, we all talk to ourselves. Come on, admit it, you’re probably even chatting to yourself at the side while you’re reading or watching this!  As Mark Twain famously said:

“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

This really does sum it up, we are always communicating with ourselves. Some good and some bad. Why on earth do we allow ourselves to talk to ourselves negatively or about things that haven’t happened, even may not happen, and then feel bad about it?

Nuts I tell you….  coming back to the piece on modelling. Some people are able to quite the voices down in the head very easily, some people are able to generate motivation and tenacity from within, some people are able to not run that negative internal process making them feel bad. And there’s a strategy and a model for that. Sometimes we are best friends and our worst enemies. Imagine being able to quieten down that bully part and allow the real you to thrive. Hopefully you now have more of an idea of what is NLP.

Who is NLP for?


  •  Salespeople
  •  Parents
  •  Negotiators
  •  Sports professionals
  •  Health-conscious people
  •  Coaches
  •  Married couples
  •  Marketers and advertisers
  •  Solicitors and barristers
  •  People looking for love
  •  Or anyone who just wants to learn how to feel better or understand themselves.