Living The Life
The title of this is a little bit off-putting I know, however, questions really are the answer.
The quality of questions you ask yourself directly correlates to the quality-of-life you will live.
So much of our day is spent talking to ourselves, we wonder we ponder and we guess how today has gone or is going to go. We even try to guess what a person is thinking about a future discussion that we’ve yet to have and we also guess how that person may feel! We run scenarios through our heads and we are constantly asking ourselves questions which ultimately only we can answer. however, most of the types of questions we do ask ourselves aren’t particularly helpful.
Questions, really do have the power to define our lives. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “as you think so shall you be”? much of what we think lays the path for what we are about to create.
A skill that like you to get from this, is the ability to preload your psychology with positive questions that allow you to realise a more positive outcome. For example, most people get out of bed and ask yourself a question like, what will today bring? When you think about that, it really is an unknown quantity and therefore, potentially can’t be answered immediately. The answer though, could be both positive or negative for that type of question. Imagine a habit and a psychology that asks, Who will I connect with today? Or What will I learn today? Or even What will I get excited about today? These types of questions allow us to begin to search for the answers. I cover this in more detail in the influence psychology persuasion podcast but the very basic explanation is that a part of your brain called the recticular cortex will search for an answer for up to 72 hours after you have asked it. This is the part of your brain that remembers an actor’s name days after you and a friend were discussing it in detail whilst having a coffee. Your brain will always look to find you an answer so therefore if you provide better questions you will see and prove better answers to yourself.
A way that I like to introduce this to people to really begin to formulate new habits is to bookmark their day. What I mean here is to begin each morning with five specific questions and then end each evening with five or so.
Evening Questions
What have I learnt today?
What ways have I noticed that I have made a small step towards how I want to feel?
Who have I connected with today?
How have I changed today working slowly towards my goal of being more self-confident?
What am I pleased about today?
Who has made me smile today?
What have I enjoyed today?
What am I proud of?
There’s some more magic dust to sprinkle on the evening questions too. at the end of each of those questions, also ask yourself “and how did/does that make me feel”?
During the evening, it’s also a great time to plan the following day. There’s a saying, don’t start your day until you finished it. And what this really means is to plan your day the night before. Questions are a great part of planning.
What’s the first big task that needs to be done tomorrow, and once that’s complete how will that make me feel?
Questions really do define your psychology and neurology and ultimately, your life.
Listen up, and see what else you learn and discover during this podcast, and leave me comments or contact me on social media to discuss anything.