Living The Life

Meditate to make you Great.

Meditation, mindfulness and other relaxation techniques, have been growing in popularity over the past 10 to 15 years and some would say that these methods have almost become mainstream. Unfortunately though, I feel we still have a long way to go to see more people embark upon these amazing relaxation and wellness protocols. Meditation is backed by science in so many areas. We now know that people who regularly meditate for 10 to 15 minutes at a time have the ability to rewire their neurology. This is a process called neuroplasticity simply means our brains rejig and change due to meditation.

Meditation is backed by science in so many studies. We now know that people who regularly meditate for 10 to 15 minutes at a time have the ability to rewire their neurology. This is a process called neuroplasticity and it simply means our brains rejig and change due to meditation. With the fast-paced life we all live in, it’s estimated that we have between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day! now I’m not too sure how someone can even begin to tot those numbers up, but even at 12,000 singular thoughts per day we really are using our grey matter.

When we use our muscles and our ligaments, we can stretch, we can massage and we can go for treatments to get rid of knots and creeks but when our brain is stressed and overtaxed what do most people do? Drink! Smoke! These things don’t help at all. What we really need is to switch off and take a break.

This is where Meditation really has its place. It creates a clearer mind that can operate in more effective ways. Any wonder why so many of the top fortune 500 CEO’s meditate. As well as soothing away stresses and strains Meditation creates new neurological pathways. Is well documented that chronic prolonged stress has massive negative effects upon our neurology and physiology. Meditation and mindfulness allow a practical way to really begin to work at the damaging effects of prolonged stress.

As with all new things, meditation and mindfulness have been shrouded by a number of myths and misconceptions the perhaps keep so much of the general public away from embarking upon this new habit.

Here are some of those:
Meditation is a religious act!  This just simply isn’t true. The benefits of meditation have been documented in some religious type literature, however, the benefits and the processes of meditation don’t need to be religious in any way shape or form.

I need to clear my mind and I can’t!  This is another absolutely fantastic myth. If you’re thinking of nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, then the chances are you’re dead. I’m not asking you to start dying just meditate.

It takes lots of practice and I don’t have the time!  If this is you, then you definitely need to practice meditation/mindfulness. Lots of studies have shown that people who meditate are far more productive and proactive therefore resolving time constraints. As well as a vast number of Fortune 500 CEOs who recommend an openly discuss how they use meditation along with its benefits, large corporations such as Google now allow their employees to take meditation/mindfulness courses to enhance their ability to practice this amazing technique.

Why do companies like this invest in their employees with meditation? Quite simply, because it absolutely works. Happy, calm and creative employees make a great company.

Don’t get bogged down with the how-to’s, just have a little hunt around online and you’ll find lots of really basic videos and apps to get you started. Just remember when starting out doing this, there is no wrong way, and practice makes permanent! Listen