Welcome to Influence, Psychology and Persuasion
This is session number 21 of Influence Psychology and Persuasion and this show is all about how leaders can become more influential by utilising these nonverbal tips.
Below are 7 keys areas leaders can become aware of to ultimately become more effective leaders. Whatever your role now, these easy to understand nonverbal principles are a must for others to begin to hold you in high regard. The best part about them, you don’t even need to open your mouth. Discover Nonverbal Skills for Leaders
1. Plain Sight – Leaders of companies and organisations can be like a snow leopard. (Never seen and only talked about). Employees won’t attach to a leader if they are never seen. You know the saying “out of sight, out of mind”. And, “seeing is believing”.
Being visually accessible breaks down some of the hierarchical barriers that employees have. This makes the leader seem more approachable and therefore they become more influential. Be seen as a leader
This really is a pivotal part of any leader.
2. Behaviour – This is not only overlooked by lots of leaders but sometimes they go the opposite way. Good behaviour and manners are desirable and respectable for most people. This ties into being likeable. A true influence strategy. As I’ve suggested, not only is this overlooked, but sometimes it’s ignored completely and the opposite is done. Some leaders follow the “I’m in charge, and you are below me” type of thinking and operating. This is a big mistake for the budding influential. Become someone people aspire to be. This is why the Halo principle works so well. Check out the other podcast on that.
3. It’s All In The Eyes – This is an easy one to get wrong but as long as your intention is right, you can use effective eye contact to engage others.
A steady honest gaze it all it really takes to get a person to feel comfortable. This is the goal. Being influential is nothing more than allowing a person to feel comfortable dropping their guard and being them.
Become an effective eye gazer and notice how you become more influential and likeable. Practice, because practice makes permanent.
A fixed eye contact shows the person you are interested in them and that you are listening.
4. Tonality – As a hypnotist, I have trained my voice to be adaptable in many situations. Pitch, pace, volume and tonality. These factors have the ability to connect, resonate, dictate and communicate in all situations. Influential leaders will tend to have a deeper tone. This is also backed by lots of research. Again, practice this and it will become more natural to you. Your voice makes you more influential
There is no need to completely transform your voice, but make some positive changes and notice how you can become more influential.
5. A Light Touch – This nonverbal was covered in another podcast and the links are here. A note here. A touch can be very easily misconstrued. This is getting more the case are we becoming far less social beings. A touch in meant as a connection and a way for leaders to engage in a nonverbal way. It also says, “we’re in this together”.
There is far more to the touch than this short paragraph makes out. A touch on the upper arm or shoulder is usually the most practical and effective. It helps to make a sincere connection.
Remember, a touch in the small of the back though can feel sexual. In a work setting and as a leader, that’s more than likely, not the communication you’re after!
The most basic form of touch for communication is the good old fashioned handshake. Firm for sincerity, but match the pressure that you receive.
The way you present your hand is also a big factor. Have your hand in a vertical position because palm down is domineering and palm up is submissive. Palm neutral is saying. “We’re level here”.
6. Pace and Purpose – People who take action will seem like good and influential leaders. Remember, if you are able to inspire people they will see you as a good influential leader.
Making decisions, taking action, showing people the way, this is your role.
The polar opposite of this. Procrastination, stalling and indecisiveness show doubt and uncertainty. This is not on the list of any leader’s qualities.
7. When You Smile, The World Smiles With You
A sincere smile can really connect. From across vast space, a smile will allow the receiver to feel as if the person is real and has no hidden agenda.
We smile when we are happy, people like other people to be happy, and happiness is contagious.
A smile is more than a simple facial expression though. When done with sincerity, a smile speaks volumes. But remember, this simple expression can’t be faked so feel like smiling and watch how people smile back. Which…. Will make you smile some more.
I hope you have enjoyed these nonverbal leadership tips and tools.
As always, any questions please fire them over to my contact form or drop me an email.
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